Theme and amusement parks
Stadiums, ski resorts, towers and wheels
Location Based Experiences (LBEs) and Family Entertainment Centers (FECs)
Casinos, malls and entertainment precincts
Who we serve
Dexibit is the #1 global provider of big data analytics for commercial attractions
The best decisions are data informed and insight inspired – intelligence on fun means understanding your guests, exceeding expectations and knowing what gets them coming back for more.
Smarter consumer insights
Do more with data on guest behavior and dive deeper into spending, revenue by lines of business and store performance to maximize per cap spend.
Intelligence on guest happiness
Identify what makes guests satisfied and correlates with commercial outcomes to deliver world class visitor experience.
Forecast with speed and precision
Retire old spreadsheets and formulas – let artificial intelligence predict visitation, revenue and more down to the hour and up to a year ahead.
Jake Downing
- Head of Tourism,
Weta Workshop
Want to learn more about Dexibit?
Talk to one of our team to learn more about data in commercial attractions and case studies from industry success stories.
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