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DATA: How happy are visitors?

Data from Dexibit’s global portfolio of visitor attractions.

Part of understanding visitor behavior is analyzing how visitors feel about their visit. Data from online reviews such as Google or Facebook provides an easily automated and industry standardized way of quantifying visitor happiness using a 5 star rating scale, together with freeform remarks to assist how we interpret these metrics and to provide actionable insights on how we can improve them.

Increasingly, this data also informs visitors’ own decisions on whether to visit an attraction and recent trends can be predictive – over three quarters of consumers regularly read reviews before making purchases.

Across visitor attractions monitored by Dexibit globally, 77% of reviews are of the highest rating with 5 stars. Comparatively, 5% of all reviews are negative, being 1 and 2 star reviews. These ratings are consistent across the seasons, however trend positively year on year – as expected given visitor happiness is a key metric most venues consciously strive to continuously improve.

Distribution is fairly uniform, with the average rating across all venues at 4.6 stars. 22% of venues have an average rating above 4.7, 50% are at 4.6 or above and nearly all venues have a rating of 4.3 or above except a few notable examples. Interestingly, venues with better ratings also have a more frequent habit of responding to individual reviewers. For some, these are even written directly by the Chief Executive or Executive Director, suggesting a correlation between those that notice and act on visitor insights with a superior visitor experience.

Using Dexibit?

Dexibit uses a form of artificial intelligence called Natural Language Processing (NLP) to provide a first pass of visitor sentiment and key terms from freeform visitor remarks:

  • Integrate with your digital reviews (e.g. Google My Business, Facebook), visitor survey system (e.g. Survey Monkey) and/or Net Promoter Score system (e.g. Ask Nicely)
  • Alternatively, upload freeform remarks from a manual spreadsheet (e.g. from in person surveys, compliments and complaints or visitor attendant notes)
  • Navigate to Insights > Sentiment and choose a channel to review
  • Use the query feature to include or exclude terms from your dictionaries

Visitor happiness measured using star ratings from online reviews

Victoria Alogna

Lead Data Scientist

Victoria’s data science practice in and passion for machine learning, natural language and measurement comes from a unique perspective into visitor behavior, inspired by hear background in the cognitive and behavioral sciences.

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