Integrate your attraction’s most important data with Dexibit for a single source of truth. Dexibit integrates with over 60 leading industry vendors, common digital platforms and data warehouses.
Free your data from systems of record
Empower your team with a one stop shop for data, blend insights across multiple sources and open data beyond select system users.
Create and share dashboards to connect everything you know about your visitors before, during and after their visit, onsite and online.Â
Save on integration cost, time and risk
Dexibit includes prebuilt integration packs for all major vendors, common digital platforms and data warehouses. Push, pull or share your data.
From SDKs and APIs to SFTPs or direct access, Dexibit integrates with modern and legacy technology alike to unlock your data.Â
Separate systems of record versus intelligence
Protect your data and your visitors’ privacy by separating the systems which create versus reference your data for insights purposes.
Powerful data automation features
Control who has what level of privilege to which data sources, across multiple systems and users
Trace data provenance through business rules and data configuration all the way back to source
John Rouse
- Vice President Operations,
Aquarium of the Pacific
Want to learn more about Dexibit?
Talk to one of our team to hear more about integrations and data automation, or to discuss your data landscape.
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